1. I have acromegaly.
2. As much as I love to read I cannot get books from a library...
once I read I book...I have to own it...it's a compulsion.
3. My dream is to travel the world and to fall in love, and sadly I feel like if I had to pick between the two I feel like I would pick to travel the world.
4. I have an irrational fear of midgets.....it's like the whole elephant mouse thing....
5. I received a Division I College Swimming Scholarship and there isn't one day that goes by that I don't think about swimming and wish that instead of having shoulder surgeries I could have competed the way I was supposed too.
6. I talk to my family, everyday. I am close to my parents, grandparents, aunt and brother (and step-siblings!) and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't communicate with each other them (well not the step-siblings everyday).
7. I am extremely loyal, and because of this once you are friends....
with me you're basically stuck with me for life.
8. There are some many days when the only person I want to spend time with is my puppy!
9. I am the Orange Belt Conference (Osceola County) Girl's Varsity Swim Coach of the Year! (And I'm only a 2nd year head coach!).
10. I am an Osceola High School Kowboy and a College of Charleston Cougar....and I couldn't be a prouder alumni!
I agree with you on the book thing. I am the same exact way.