Friday, April 8, 2011

1. Something that makes me a great friend is I am always there. No matter what the time, situation or interest in what is going on I am there. I will drop anything for a friend in need and I will give myself selflessly and I think that's what makes me a great friend.

2. I am happier in the water. Whether it's by a pool, coaching my athletes, on a boat, on the sand or swimming in an ocean or lake...or just looking at the water....water makes me happier. I feel in my element, calm, serene, and happy in the water.

3. I am not entirely happy about where I am in my life, and I feel at a loss on how to fix it.

4. If I had to describe myself in 3 words,they would be loyal, empathetic and a dreamer.

5. Something I'm really cheap about is technology...I have a cell phone that shuts off on my constantly and I still won't pay to get a new one...I sticking with my good ol' iPhone 3G until is croaks!

6. Something I'm willing to splurge on is vacationing, the ones I love and going out. I love fine food, and fine wine, I love spoiling my niece and the rest of my family with gifts as well as my students with treats...and we all know how I love to I'm willing to splurge on those things in a heartbeat!

7. I would trade _almost anything to go back to CofC again...whether to go relive my undergrad or return there for my masters..._____ in a heart beat.

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