Friday, August 26, 2011

Fill In the Blank Friday!

Head on over and play with Lauren @

1. One of life's most simple pleasures is fresh clean sheet day! Who doesn't love the smell and feeling of sheets fresh from the dryer?

2. Being late, makes me want to punch someone.

3. I like teaching, because the students are so inspiring...I guess it should be love..but liking something is pretty special too!

4. conumdrum is a funny word.

5. If I had to choose one beauty product to use for the rest of eternity it would be shampoo, I really like not having greasy it would be shampoo. But if that doesn't count as a beauty product I'm totally all about mascara.....I have red eyelashes....mascara is a much!

6. I'm happy that it's Friday, I have a weekend do lesson plans on my time and to do a bit of what I want.

7. I would never judge someone based on what they look like, what their sexual preference is and on what they believe in.


  1. I love your answer to #7!! Now, if more of the world thought this way! :).

    Happy Friday!

  2. I'm here from the little things we do. It must be said: That Twain quote over to the left is OUTSTANDING.

  3. Thanks ladies! I wish the whole world would be that way too! Maybe one day soon~

    Also Jaclyn, thanks! It speaks to the wanderluster and dreamer in me! It was also my college's freshman class quote my first year at CofC!



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