Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thankful Thursday

I've decided that on Thursday's I'm going to throw together a shortlist of things I am thankful for. This is going to be a random list but something that will helpfully get me through the end of the week and into the weekend! So play along if you wish, link up (actually I don't think you can link up because I don't know how to create a link up...anyone wants to help me do that?), and count your blessings! I'm going to try to keep it at only five. I also am going to try to not mention my friends and family every week. I am constantly aware that I am blessed to have such an amazing group of friends and family, but this is a chance for me to branch out and notice what I am appreciating besides the obvious.

Things I am thankful for this Thursday.

1. My former students. Out of all the students I have taught over the past three years (I am in my fourth year), I am sooo thankful for the students who come back to visit. I've had atleast five students a day stop by my portable in the morning just to chat. It makes me feel so effective, and makes me feel loved.

2. Grits. I know this is ridiculous, but after a long day at school (7am-3:40), and then a long afternoon at a usually rainy swim practice (4-6pm, soon to add a 5:50-7:30am practice!), all I want when I get home is a creamy bowl of grits. I make instant grits with a little less water than required then add in half and half or whipping cream. Top with a dab of butter, a splash of salt and pepper and a side of eggs...and you have a happy me. Not only does this simple meal satisfy me, it makes my dog happy! This is a great addition to his dry food!

3.Email. I have never used email so much. I am emailing about suit orders, I am keeping in contact with parents I am doing everything I can to avoid the phone! Email is making that possible! I LOVE EMAIL!

4.Air Conditioning - it is miserable and humid here in Central Florida. I would be lost without my AC! I am doubly thankful for the fact I am in a portable where I get to control the air! I love it! my kids hate it. Muahahahahah....they call my room the ice box!

5.My DVR- seriously, this thing is helping me whind down at night. I used to read, but now if I read I don't get sleepy...luckily Ghost Whisperer (I know I's awful but I love it) the perfect thing to make me sleepy.

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